When is “Knowledge-Based” not Assured Authentication?
Knowledge based authentication (KBA) has been declared dead many times over the past few years. But what is KBA and what exactly is the problem? KBA is a term that has been used too generically...
View ArticleTwo Sample Fraud Scenarios and Solutions for Combating Them
There are as many fraud schemes as there are fraudsters, but they fall into a few general buckets. Here are two of the most common fraud scenarios and solutions for solving them. BUSINESS PROBLEM A...
View ArticleWorking with the C-Suite to Mitigate Fraud
Equifax Fraud product manager, Rich Huffman, was recently published in Corporate Compliance Insights discussing how Boards of Directors can stay on top of trends in the fraud landscape and ensure...
View ArticleTips to Detect and Deter Fraud during Customer Acquisition
ATLANTA, March 29, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Equifax Inc. (NYSE: EFX) has issued several resources to help organizations combat the elusive and increasingly expensive problem of fraud during customer...
View ArticlePattern Detection and Data Anaytics Play a Vital Role in Fraud Management
Most organizations are no stranger to the concept of data analytics and behavioral patterns to detect fraud. After all, those sorts have analytics have been applied to internal data and transaction...
View ArticleDevice Advice: Keeping Fraudsters From Consumer Info
Equifax fraud expert, Gasan Awad, was recently published in Dark Reading discussing how businesses can fight fraud while optimizing the customer experience. Fraud detection and prevention measures that...
View ArticleSynthetic ID Fraud Is Not a Fictional Threat
The growth of synthetic identity fraud shows few signs of slowing. Data breaches, social media mining, phishing and other schemes have given fraudsters easy access to the consumer data used to build...
View ArticleDeciphering Multi-Layered Identity Proofing Strategies
Fraudsters are a smart group. With each fraud prevention method that’s introduced, they figure out ways to work around it. Organizations must be careful when using technologies that fraudsters may have...
View ArticleCurtailing Revenue Loss from Identity Fraud
Fraudulent account activity and identity fraud are both significant drains to today’s business resources. In the era of online and mobile commerce, it’s more important than ever for companies to make...
View ArticleThe Next Wave of Identity Fraud: What the Research Revealed
While attempting to maintain a frictionless customer experience, financial institutions note concerns with account takeover and application fraud. The collision of two trends creates a big dilemma for...
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